Unknown Unknown Author
Title: Dust to Overwhelm Devices Everywhere
Author: Unknown
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EVERYWHERE—Dust has been around for millions of years. Large companies such as Samsung, Apple, LG, and more have been creating electronic de...

EVERYWHERE—Dust has been around for millions of years. Large companies such as Samsung, Apple, LG, and more have been creating electronic devices for only a few years. They didn’t know what they were getting into.

Devices everywhere are constantly being plagued by dust. It doesn’t matter if you’re the best, most cautious smart device owner in the world: you will encounter dust. In fact, dust is constantly attacking both you and the devices you own. Remember that scratch on your phone you don’t remember getting? That was dust. Remember when you sneezed twelve times in a row? Yep, dust. Remember how you had to put your cat down because you thought you were allergic to it? None other than dust. Dust has caused all of these problems, and weve been submissive for far too long. Smart device owners everywhere are constantly in fear of dust when they apply screen protectors. It only takes one dust particle to ruin your entire life.

We asked dust why its so hostile, and it told us that “it may be tiny, but people need to start to respect it.” Well dust, we respect you. So please, stop being annoying and let us finally be worry free. Its only a matter of time before dust overwhelms us all. 

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