Twitter Announces Free Birds for Everyone
SAN FRANCISCO, CA—Twitter, a major social networking platform, announced that they will be providing free birds for everyone who signs up after August 1st of this year. Twitter co-founder, Ev Williams, stated that, “People who own birds seem happier than those who don’t. Since our logo is a bird, we feel it’s necessary to give a free bird to anybody who signs up. We’re currently in the process of gathering up as many birds as we can before August 1st.” It’s a kind gesture on Twitter’s part, but there is more to the story. Time and time again, Facebook tops most all social networking. Twitter feels a new reigning champion should be crowned—one that gives birds away for free. If their plan works, it’s likely that they will see their member count rise far beyond what Facebook could ever achieve. Unfortunately, in order to receive a bird, you must sign up after August 1st, so accounts that are already active will not be eligible to receive a bird. However, you are free to create a new account.
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