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Title: Robotics Company to File Lawsuit Against Dubstep
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TOKYO, JAPAN—A robotics company outside of Japan is filing an $18 billion lawsuit against Dubstep music, according to their president Atsuo ...

TOKYO, JAPAN—A robotics company outside of Japan is filing an $18 billion lawsuit against Dubstep music, according to their president Atsuo Takanishi. The Robotics Society of Japan has been in operation since 1982, and they feel Dubstep has tarnished their good name.

“Im sick of hearing what these Dubstep artists do with our androids,” Takanishi explained.
“They use them for their perverted sex acts, and then the public listens to it. We dont tolerate android porn in Japan.” Its disgusting what Dubstep music has come to these days. There are millions of Americans who listen to it on a daily basis, and it's a disturbing fact. Listening to androids have sex is not something that the United States should be known for. If the company wins, all Dubstep music will be acquired by The Robotics Society of Japan. 

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